The debut of the Messina Energy Boat Team!

Presentation of the MEB project in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate - 24 February at 9.30

Tomorrow, 24 February 2023, the presentation of the MEB - Messina Energy Boat project - will be held in the Aula Magna of the Rectorate in the presence of the Magnificent Rector.

Here's what it is:

the "Messina Energy Boat" (MEB) team has been admitted to participate in the tenth edition of the "Monaco Energy Boat Challenge", in the "Energy Class" category.

Coordinated by prof. Vincenzo Crupi, from the Engineering Department of the University of Messina, the group is made up of PhD students, research fellows, teachers and, mainly, students of the Peloritan University.

The Monaco Energy Boat Challenge ( is an international competition, organized by the Yacht Club of Monaco, in which 16 university teams, selected by the technical committee, from all over the world compete. The Yacht Club of Monaco takes care of supplying the hull of the boat to all the selected teams, challenging them to design a cockpit and a propulsion system, using only zero-emission energy sources and eco-sustainable materials, in line with the motto of the Yacht Club of Monaco: "new technologies for a better world". 

The Messina Energy Boat team (, born in September with the aim of participating in the tenth edition to be held in the Principality of Monaco on 3-8 July 2023, had sent all the required documentation last December, including the boat project. The project was positively evaluated by a technical committee which had to select, among all the participants, the 16 teams admitted to the competition.

From 6 to 9 July 2022, three students and two teachers of the degree course in Navigation Sciences and Technologies of the University of Messina had been spectators of the ninth edition of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge; at the 2023 appointment, UniMe will be the first University of Central/Southern Italy to participate in this prestigious international competition.

As part of the project, it is possible to carry out training internships and participate in other activities (seminars, conferences, conventions, guided tours) which have been held and will be held in the period 1 February - 30 June 2023 and which provide for the recognition of ECTS for students of the Degree Courses of the Department of Engineering.